Annual Meeting

CHEST 2018 Speaker Spotlight: Chris Carroll, MD, FCCP

Chris Carroll, MD, FCCP
Chris Carroll, MD, FCCP

No Money, No Mission: Tips for Getting Your CHEST Foundation Grant Funded on Monday

Please summarize your session in a tweet:
Got an idea for a research study or community service project? Come to our session “No Money, No Mission” on Monday 3:15-4:15 pm in 213AB to learn how the #CHESTFoundation can fund you!

How did you develop a passion for pulmonology/sleep medicine/critical care?
When I was a resident, I used to do a lot of transports of critically ill patients from community hospitals to our children’s hospital. I developed a passion for critical care then. Seeing how our interventions could dramatically and quickly improve critically ill children was immensely rewarding to me.

What’s your best method for preparing for your presentation?
Start early and think you’re finished. Look at it again after a month and realize how much more revision is needed. Revise. Look at it again the night before and revise even more. Upload just in time to give the lecture.

Who has had the biggest impact on your professional life and why?
My children. As a parent, I am committed to caring for the families of the children I care for as well as the patients. I have incredible respect for what they are going through and strive to make the experience of having a child in the ICU as easy as I can for them.

What do you hope to see while you’re visiting San Antonio?
I can never remember … The Alamo?

Your most indispensable tool in San Antonio:
My portable charger.

Most memorable career moment:
One December, two days after my son was born, I flew on a medical transport to a small community hospital to pick up a newborn with respiratory failure due to pneumonia and sepsis. The baby was not supposed to survive the transport due to her fragile clinical condition. But we turned her around and got her safely back to the ICU. Almost 20 years later, I still get a Christmas card from the family every year.

Number of steps you think you’ll take at CHEST 2018:
Too many and not enough.